As you may know, as soon as you put yourself on a diet, you only have one thought left: to eat. Sooner or later, it will overcome you...except if you hit first.
When was the last time you focused so much on a task that you forgot to eat? You did not really forget, but you were too much interested in what you were working on to stop doing it and go to the fridge. Years ago, when your body was slim and your head swollen with projects, did you ever think that to be a grown up would not mean to be responsible and free?
Stop looking for somebody to sue: nobody shovelled food in your mouth. Stop whining about commercials that influence you: nobody tied you up in front of the telly. Stop opening your mouth and closing your mind.
You know, everybody know, that the higher the education, the lower the weight. If you point at a person you know who has a PhD and 30 extra pounds, you act exactly as those people who say that there is no correlation between smoking and lung cancer since their grand father died of old age after having smoked thousands of cigarettes. I don't write for you. Bye bye!
Now that we are between us, let's move on to the main point. How much does this portrait look like you:
- You often feel incredibly bored,
- You think that you are more worth than what you show,
- If you were given a new start, you would lead your life differently,
- You cannot help wishing something else than getting up to go to work each morning,
- In fact, it looks sometimes so vain that you'd rather stay in bed.
Do you recognize yourself? If yes, the choice is limited: either you fall in a depression, or you feed your brains. Since in order to get out of a depression, you would have to feed your brains, jump directly to the second solution!
First, recognize your qualities and make them shine in others' eyes. Modesty? You are not asked to show haughtiness but to get a sense of pride from your abilities. Would the world be better if Mozart's father had shyly hidden his son's gift? Don't let anyone mislead you: those who advocate modesty have nothing to show. Most time, they do not want you to succeed because it would be the evidence of their own failure. They brandish their righteousness against you because it is, by far, easier to damage your chances than to improve themselves. So, be honest and recognize your qualities.
Some people might advise you to devote your life to a charity cause. It is another way to prevent you from going ahead of them. Do you think that it would have been a great idea if Pasteur had chosen, out of charity, to visit the poor instead of inventing "pasteurization"?
Then, choose the domain in which you will be able to scintillate. Again, do not be humble. The satisfaction of reaching a goal is proportional to the difficulty you encounter to reach it. If you aim to learn arranging flowers, sure, you will succeed, but you will feel as bored as today and your thirst for something to fulfill your life will remain as burning as it is right now. You need to be confronted with a task exciting enough to prevent you from dropping it to go out to eat, or to take time to order a pizza. If the excitement is not rewarding enough, you are going to turn towards "the fridge consolation".
Your goal must also be rather difficult because you are going to need time to change your way of life; so, decide to master the violin, to write an anthology about Roman Poetry, to learn a foreign language or to obtain a degree in chemistry; anything requiring your intellectual faculties to fully work and that you will not be able to complete in a couple of weeks is an activity that deserves to be chosen. Of course, the better you like your goal, the greater your chance to reach it, but do not worry: usually, we are attracted by what we guess we are good at.
Not only "decide" to change, make your decision official: proudness will help you to go on the day you are tired or disheartened.
Multiply your chances to succeed by eliminating the childish desire for "telling them". If you suffer from not being estimated at your true value, make yourself known to your own eyes. The rest will come. Within three years you are going to gain higher education that will lead you to higher income while losing extra weight.
One of the most vicious diseases in today’s times is smoking. It makes
a person baffle for air 3 times more than a non-smoker. It has very many
repercussions on the life of the smoker and those around him. It leads to
lung cancer and various heart diseases like asthma and emphysema. We
should thus abhor this deadly disease and quit smoking.
Quitting is not easy
But to actually quit smoking is not easy, because it is an addiction.
However there are very many ways and methods that help us to quit smoking
for instance we can opt for acupuncture therapy or aromatherapy. We can
also opt for non-nicotine cigarettes or go for precise prescription by a
But first and foremost we need to decide in our heart to stop smoking
and should also fix a day for the same. Inform your family about your
decision and seek for their help and assistance. Throw away all the
cigarette packets, ashtrays and lighters. Stop buying any more cigarettes.
Rather think of the more useful and better things that you can buy with
the money thus saved. Ask the other family members also, who smoke, to
stop smoking. Keep yourself busy. Exercise regularly and meditate
occasionally. Eat healthy food.
After doing all this you may still feel severe urges to smoke. You may
also actually retort back to it, but that’s no problem, just be persistent
and bring back your decision on to the right track after this break,
because most of the people are successful only after 2-3 attempts.
Be prepared for withdrawal symptoms
About 80% people retort back to smoking after once leaving it and only
20% successfully accomplish the task. People retort back due to many
reasons. Some say they feel agitated. Others say that the aroma when
someone lights up is irresistible. But most of them do so due to the fear
of symptoms that appears after that last puff viz. weight gain, aggressive
thinking, dry throat, fatigue, muscle cramps, constipation, dizziness,
hypersensitivity to stimuli, etc. but these are all just temporary
symptoms and disappear in a few days. In fact after the initial bout is
over the blood pressure, heart rate, pulse arte all get back to normal.
You thus need to keep your will power strong and stick to your decision
for a few more days.
Some people are not able to continue with the smoke cessation programs
because they say that they are costly. But this is a wrong perception
because they are not costlier than the price spent for buying cigarettes.
And then isn’t it more logical to spend on your health rather on a