Eating grain products - breads, cakes, cereals - have long been consider a healthy choice. If you look at the RDA recommendations, grains, at the bottom of the pyramid, are what you should be eating the most of to maintain a healthy body.
The RDA's recommendations do not consider any food to be harmful for you. You must remember that the RDA's recommendations come from a government agency and indicating a particular food could be harmful to your health could financially affect that industry. The government does not want to destroy any industry even if it is harmful to your health. Just look at the smoking industry. It's still alive.
In medical and alternative medicine circles, celiac disease is well known for being the cause of numerous detrimental body conditions. In its basic form, celiac disease is the damage of the intestinal lining by gluten proteins, which come from grains - the bottom of the pyramid.
Let's get technical for a moment and say that the specific proteins in gluten that damage the intestine are called "gliadin." What you need to know about gliadin is that when you eat it, it acts like an invading substance, which activates your body's immune system to destroy and eliminate the invader – your favorite food bread and cereals.
Eating an excess of gluten causes celiac disease. Where is gluten found? It is found in products made from wheat, rye, barley, kamut, triticale, oats, and spelt.
It is now well established in medicine that 1 in approximately 100 have celiac disease. Many have the disease without having any symptoms. The continual use of and eating of detrimental grains will eventually bring on symptoms. People with celiac disease can expect to have illnesses associated or connected with:
· cancer
· epilepsy
· attention deficit disorders
· auto immune diseases
· osteoporosis
· brain disorders
· neurological diseases
· premature death
· premature births
· chronic liver diseases
· gastrointestinal problems
· food allergies
· chronic fatigue
· malnutrition
· and the list goes on and on
When the intestinal lining is damage by gluten, your overall health is damaged. Your immune system is activated to prevent further intestinal damage causing your overall response to other body crisis to diminish. Your ability to fight off other diseases is diminished. Your ability to absorb nutrients from your food is reduced leading to nutritional deficiencies.
How does gluten create so many problems in the body? As gluten moves into the intestine, it is digested and broken down into small protein molecules - peptides (which consist of 2-3 amino acids bound together) and free amino acids. Amino acids are the basic building blocks the make up protein. Once digestion is complete, peptides and free amino acids easily move into the intestinal wall cell structure and then into your blood stream. This is what happens in a healthy person.
Over many years of eating gluten, the intestinal cell structure deteriorates. Digested protein no longer passes through the cells walls but passes between cells and into the blood. These holes in the intestinal walls is what is know as "leaky gut syndrome"
Because of the existence of these tiny holes in the intestinal wall, harmful substances can pass into the blood and settle into your organs and cells causing irritations and damage. Your intestinal wall is no longer a barrier keeping out unwanted substances from your blood and body.
Undigested foods can now enter your body creating food allergies. Toxins from various foods - dyes, preservatives, food additives, artificial flavors - can now enter you blood stream. Pathogens such as bacteria, worms, fungus and viruses can also enter your body and invade your organs. When this happens, you will slowly come down with a variety of symptoms and illnesses that you cannot attribute to anything specific.
Absorption of undigested proteins is a major threat to the health of your organs and to your immune system.
It is estimated that up to 40% of all people have some intestinal damage from eating gluten and are passing undigested proteins into their blood stream.
There are some of you that do not have the enzymes to digest gluten. Those of you have what is called "gluten sensitivity." Those of you that have the enzymes to digest gluten are not as prone to celiac disease and have less damage to your intestinal wall.
So what are the foods that you should be eliminating from your eating habits?
Not all is known about the effects of gluten on your body and how it creates illness. What is known is that gluten is responsible for celiac disease and many other diseases that result from having celiac.
Don't always believe what the government says about food. Their interest is in economics and not in your health.
About the author:
Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called “Natural Remedies That work.” You can subscribe to his newsletter and read some of the back issues, which give you information of how to have better health. Read his latest newsletter at:
One of the most vicious diseases in today’s times is smoking. It makes
a person baffle for air 3 times more than a non-smoker. It has very many
repercussions on the life of the smoker and those around him. It leads to
lung cancer and various heart diseases like asthma and emphysema. We
should thus abhor this deadly disease and quit smoking.
Quitting is not easy
But to actually quit smoking is not easy, because it is an addiction.
However there are very many ways and methods that help us to quit smoking
for instance we can opt for acupuncture therapy or aromatherapy. We can
also opt for non-nicotine cigarettes or go for precise prescription by a
But first and foremost we need to decide in our heart to stop smoking
and should also fix a day for the same. Inform your family about your
decision and seek for their help and assistance. Throw away all the
cigarette packets, ashtrays and lighters. Stop buying any more cigarettes.
Rather think of the more useful and better things that you can buy with
the money thus saved. Ask the other family members also, who smoke, to
stop smoking. Keep yourself busy. Exercise regularly and meditate
occasionally. Eat healthy food.
After doing all this you may still feel severe urges to smoke. You may
also actually retort back to it, but that’s no problem, just be persistent
and bring back your decision on to the right track after this break,
because most of the people are successful only after 2-3 attempts.
Be prepared for withdrawal symptoms
About 80% people retort back to smoking after once leaving it and only
20% successfully accomplish the task. People retort back due to many
reasons. Some say they feel agitated. Others say that the aroma when
someone lights up is irresistible. But most of them do so due to the fear
of symptoms that appears after that last puff viz. weight gain, aggressive
thinking, dry throat, fatigue, muscle cramps, constipation, dizziness,
hypersensitivity to stimuli, etc. but these are all just temporary
symptoms and disappear in a few days. In fact after the initial bout is
over the blood pressure, heart rate, pulse arte all get back to normal.
You thus need to keep your will power strong and stick to your decision
for a few more days.
Some people are not able to continue with the smoke cessation programs
because they say that they are costly. But this is a wrong perception
because they are not costlier than the price spent for buying cigarettes.
And then isn’t it more logical to spend on your health rather on a