No Lottery. No Gambling. No Credit Card details. No Webcash. No CyberCash. Just Real Hard Money, you can transfer to your BANK ACCOUNT.
It's not joke. Don't believe ? Just read to how it possible.
Do you have an Email-ID? You can now put it to work and earn 1000s of Dollars ($$$$$$$$$) for you. This Business Model is a unique system where any one can make over $11,11,110 from comfort of his/her home by his/her email ID. You earn 1000s of Dollars in a few weeks. The total income you can make depends on you, how many friends you have, how fast you can introduce your friends to this system. Very few people know about this new business model.
The process is simple and you need not work all the time for this. Just introduce a few of your friends to this system and make them take an BAM-ID. Thats all! Your income starts flowing into your account. Whenever you introduce any one, you get $1 for that. When you have introduced a few members to this site, they in turn will be introducing their friends AND YOU WILL STILL GET PAYMENT FOR THAT.
For every person introduced by your friends, you too get $1. These persons when they introduce a few, then also you get $1. This way, for every person introduced in your e-mail tree, you get paid $1. This payment will be made upto 7 Levels of your descendants.
A sample calculation. You introduce 10 persons. For that you get $10. If each of the above 10 introduce 10 more persons each, for that YOU will get $100. If each of the above 100 introduce 10 persons each, YOU too will now get $1000. When the tree expands like this for 7s level down, you may get $1000000. When the tree expands beyond this to 8, 9 or higher levels, your income from that levels will stop. Every person who joins here is an originator of a tree. Every person who joins will have antecedents and descendants. $$$$, $$$$$$, $$$$$$$$ and $$$$$$$$$$$ (Read this Dollars, Dollars, Dollars and more Dollars!!!)
This is not Lottery, this is not gambling, this is not e-casino... The money paid is not webcash or cybercash but real-hard-cash. The amount you accure can be transferred to your bank account. THIS IS LEGAL. You become a member in this community. You do a service by building a mail tree for this system. Just you need to send emails again & again to the people or your friends until you get 10members. And thats all. Now you may sit back relax or can try for more -that your wish. Your income is started increasing. Just you need to check your paypal account to calculate how have earned. It's easy & certain money. You would see how quick(about 4 months) your income is $11,11,110+..........
How to join this?
Use my BAM-ID as referrence: MA001
No need for huge investments, Not too many hours surfing the internet. Just you have to have a Valid Email ID & a Paypal Account. That's all, you may start. If you have no paypal account visit to sign up . It's free to sign up Personal Account. Pay $10 to paypal account. After that send an email to same address with my refference ID & your Contact Email Address & the paypal account address from where you send the payment. They will send you an ID & step by step information. That's all. You may start earning. If you have no friends, just go to any chat room or yahoo members directory & collect some email address & send them this message with your BAM-ID
Use my BAM-ID as referrence: MA001
Finished!!!. Immediately after $10 is received at through Paypal, YOUR BAM-ID will be sent to you by Email. Now check your friends and tell them to become a member at BE A MILLIONAIRE PROGRAM by registering for BAM-ID and paying $10 to . Ensure that they are using YOUR BAM-ID as referrence. You have already started earning. Once in a week, check your Paypal account to see your income through BAM-ID.
Just $10. This with your E-mail-ID and your friends, will become the root of an E-mail tree and fetch you 1000s of Dollars. Only $10. You have nothing more to loose. This works for real.
Just 1 day, I was able to introduce 16 of my friends and got back $16. I hope that I can make atleast $17000 in another 4 weeks.
Use my BAM-ID as referrence: MA001
How it WORKS?
BE A MILLIONAIRE PROGRAM IS the originators of the BAM Business Model, uses the $10 membership fee to pay $1 for each of the 7 ascendants of the member and remaining $2 as Service Charge for managing your account & $1 is their benefit. Great, aint it? They are honest. They'll never cheat with you because Their honesty promote to involve more members to this program & they will be more benefited.
Use my BAM-ID as referrence: MA001
I sincerely suggest you to upgrade your Personal Paypal account to Premium account when your income exceeds 3 digits.
Once you have taken an ID from BAM, please copy this message and replace my BAM-ID with yours and post it in as many discussion forums as possible (as I have done). You may modify the content to your liking, but see that it is not changed totally. Post it to atleast 100 discussion forums, so that you success rate becomes very high.
About the Author
This author is a millionaire who have made over $20 millions from home by online based business. He is a Guru in this world. He knows how a man can make money in the internet world.
Online poker gambling at casinos and poker rooms is one of
the fastest growing forms of wagering on the Internet. Fueled by the
televised tournaments seen on Travel Channel's World Poker Tour, ESPN with
the 2004 World Series of Poker (WSOP), and Bravo's Celebrity Poker, the
popularity of the game is seen everywhere. A huge number of the qualifiers
for the 2004 WSOP gained their entries from playing in online satellite
tournaments for a fraction of the large entry fees paid by others. Look
for more players to enter 2005 world series of poker satellite tournaments
for this reason.
Tournaments at land based casinos are becoming so popular
that people are being turned away, with waits at some lasting two hours to
get a table on the weekends. Smaller land based casinos are promoting
poker tournaments in order to capitalize on the growing trend of the game.
Even though the cut for the house is pretty slim, they report increasing
revenues by the number of patrons who play other games, buy drinks and
food. It is also allowing them to attract new players which are mostly
twentysomethings and women which expands their customer base.
It seems that most of the upcoming poker stars are a lot
younger than in the past. This is because the years of experience formally
gained at the brick and mortar poker rooms is compressed into months when
playing online. College students watching Texas Hold'Em poker on TV have
taken to playing at crowded tables on campus or online where they can take
advantage of the 24/7 availability of other players when they can. One
college student stated that "Being able to lie (bluff) and get away with
it is exciting when you know the hand you have is inferior to the one your
opponents have." Plus being able to play for free is also a nice way to
learn the game which is a feature that most poker rooms on the Net offer.
Learning the game is also becoming easier with free
lessons at brick and mortar casinos and also The Travel Channel featuring
review and analysis of poker hands on Wednesdays through it's WPT Poker
Corner. Viewers will learn more in-depth about what they did not see.
Discussions will go over the tells, the big mistakes, and the bluffing
made by others players. This is an excellent way to learn how to improve
one's game.
With the huge piles of money that people can win, more and
more are getting into the game of poker. The 2005 WSOP championship for
next year will boast a $6,000,000 first place prize and anyone making the
final table will be a millionaire. The 2004 WSOP winner turned a $160
buy-in satellite shootout into a massive $5,000,000 check and so many
endorsements he quit his job as an patent attorney. Visit our sister site
to learn more about the
2005 World Series of Poker .
Tom Howze is a webmaster for 9 sites that relate to online
gambling, World Series of Poker and World Poker Tour events and updates.
For more information, please visit
2005 World Series of Poker . He can be reached at for questions.