Diuretics, commonly known as "water pills," are designed to help eliminate water. In engines, water and fuel are inbred kissing cousins, that when left unsupervised, produce carbon baby abnormalities, e.g., power and performance demise, decreased mileage, increased toxic emissions, increased maintenance applications, and engine fatality.
Who should use an engine diuretic?
Machinery or vehicles dependent upon fuel to function, should snack on a nutritious engine diuretic.
Is water present in gasoline?
Yes. Like all fuels, gasoline has a fatal attraction to water. Sulfur resides in fuel, and when wedded with water, births sulfuric acid.
Sulfuric acid assaults engines. When not burned off during combustion, its carnage of carbon deposits is left strewn throughout the engine. Carbon babies cling to spark plugs, valves, oil, etc., and impair an engine’s ability to perform. Too many carbon baby deposits, the engine undertaker is knocking on the door.
Is water present in diesel fuel?
Yes. Being less refined than gasoline, diesel fuel will retain larger quantities of water. Water in diesel fuel is a breeding ground for microorganisms, or bacteria, which feed on hydrocarbons in fuel. These microorganisms produce baby spores, which grow up, become active and begin producing their own cohesive families. These families of microorganisms foster slime, which clogs filters.
The onslaught of carbon babies moves at a swifter pace in diesel powered engines, putting them at greater risk for impotency and early retirement.
At what age can an engine diuretic be used?
There are no age barriers. An engine diuretic can be used from newborn to elderly, with the exception of veteran engines (dating 1919 or earlier).
What size engines can use a diuretic?
All sizes from small, e.g., weed-wackers, lawnmowers, motorcycles, etc., to large, e.g., automobiles, boats, ships, farm and construction machinery, or 18 wheeler trucks.
Should you be concerned about fuel interaction with an engine diuretic?
Yes. Alcohol or dry gas additives reduce the lubrication ability of fuel, which can result in fuel system damage or entire engine failure. An engine diuretic with a lubricating constitution is paramount.
What does the Fuel Doctor have to say about a diuretic for engines?
Water, sulfuric acid, and carbon deposits lethally effect engines.
Gasoline, diesel, agricultural diesel, marine fuels, and bio-diesel fuels all contain water and sulfur, which begets unhealthy sulfuric acid. When not burned off during combustion, spawned carbon deposits set up squatter’s rights in engines.
Therefore, all engines need a diuretic, regardless of age or size. However, caution should be taken in choosing an engine diuretic, as some target limited areas and many rob lubrication ability of fuel.
The Fuel Doctor’s Advice and Prescription:
It is easy to minimize diaper changes on engines resulting from maintenance, toxic emissions, and fuel.
A simple pill, the size of a penny, popped into the tank at every fill up will combat water, prevent sulfuric acid damage and carbon deposit carnage, yet lubricate the entire engine.
Recommended manufacturer of the ultimate engine diuretic -- UBiee Power Pill Fe3.
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About the author:
Dee Scrip is a well known and respected published expert author of numerous articles on PowerPill Fe-3, Home Business, Business Opportunities, Fundraising, VoIP, VoIP Security, and other related VoIP issues. http://www.free-pc-phone.com http://www.thefueldoctor.com Engine Diuretic
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Perform Your Own Automobile Maintenance
by: David Maillie
Today’s cars can typically be expected to pass the 200,000 mile mark with consistent automobile maintenance. With the price of automobiles, you will want to protect that investment by performing regular maintenance. If you can do much of the work yourself, you will save a lot of money in labor. Invest in a good set of tools and choose quality parts when performing your own automobile maintenance.
If you have some skill, but want to learn more look for courses in general repairs and maintenance. These can often be found at your local community center, Community College or an automotive technical school in your area. Consider investing in a good repair manual for your car, such as a Chilton’s manual. The internet is a good place to look for articles and information. There are many sites devoted to auto repair and maintenance.
You will want to keep track of all maintenance performed on your car. You can do this in a log, a notebook or on your home computer. There is software available to help you keep track of maintenance. These programs track repairs, maintenance, replacement parts used on the vehicle and fuel consumption. You can use the same software for multiple vehicles.
Most software allows you to create a service schedule and will remind you when it’s time to perform maintenance tasks on each vehicle in your household. The software contains a wide variety of tips for car care. In addition, many have reference and diagnostic tools to help you diagnose various problems with your cars. Many companies offer a free trial that can be downloaded on the internet. This allows you to try out the program before investing your money.
Your owner’s manual will give you some basic information about when certain maintenance tasks should be done. Most tasks will be listed according to the mileage on the car.
3000 Mile Maintenance
Change the oil in your engine every 3000 miles. The filter should be changed at the same time. Newer synthetic oils are said to last longer without breaking down. When you change the oil, check the fluids, the air filter, tires, hoses and belts. At this time check the battery cables and terminals for corrosion. This can be removed with a wire brush or sandpaper.
5000-10,000 Miles:
Have your tires rotated and balanced every five to ten thousand miles. This helps the tires wear evenly and extends the life. The best tires should be put in the front of the car. Check the tire pressure regularly and check the tread for signs of uneven wear or damage.
15,000 Miles:
Change the air filter every 15,000 miles. A clean air filter improves the fuel economy of your car. A dirty air filter can cause the engine to run rough and stall. At this time you should also check the pads and shoes on your brake system. Check the brake fluid and top it of, as needed. The fluid should be clear. If you notice noise when the brakes are applied or the steering wheel shakes or vibrates, this can be an indication that the brakes need replacing. In this case, don’t wait check the brakes and replace as needed.
30,000 Miles:
Check the fluid level on your transmission. The owner’s manual will have information about the kind of fluid that should be used in your car. The manual should have directions on how to drain and replace the fluid. The pan gasket should be changed when the fluid is drained. Also at this time, give the car a tune up. Replace all spark plugs and wires.
50,000 Miles:
Change the coolant at 50,000 miles. See the owner’s manual for directions on how to perform this task.
Remember to take care of your car’s finish. You want the paint to remain in good condition for as long as possible. Wash the car regularly, even in the winter when salt from the roads can ruin the finish. Apply wax to protect the paint from the sun, salt and weather conditions. Don’t neglect the headlights, which can become cloudy and won’t operate as well. New Lite Headlight Cleaner and Restorer will return cloudy headlights to like new condition. Learn more about this product at http://www.mdwholesale.com