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Low Cost Advertising for Your Horse Business
by: Michele Anderson
As an ezine publisher I have discovered several methods to target "The Horse Industry" market. Through trial and error
this is what I have come up with. It worked for me and I know it will work for you too!

Ezines or newsletters are simply- electronic newsletters delivered by email. Chances are you've subscribed to a ton
of them yourself. They're quick info blasts usually containing articles or some other relevant information pertaining
to the subject of the email. For instance, if you're interested in homeopathic remedies you might subscribe yourself to
a Homeopathic ezine or a free newsletter offered by one of the thousands of Homeopathic sites online.

Ezines purpose is? For the reader, it gives them information relevant to their interests. In our case that would
be The Horse Industry. For the company, it builds an opt-in base of potential customers who are interested in what
they have to say.

Ezines or newsletters are a great way to get the word out about your interests, business or products which you want
to share or sell with others.. Why are they so great? Because they went out of their ownway to subscribe themselves to
a particular ezine. They actually eagerly await each issue. Now imagine what they could mean if they saw your message
or advertisement.

So here's what I did...and you can do it too!

First I compiled a list of ways I could advertise in a particular ezine. Methods such as:

- Placing a classified or sponsorship ad in a newsletter:

I discovered many ways to advertise (Free in some cases) or very inexpensively in others using text ads
in relevant ezines.
This was the perfect way to reach my targeted audience and test my ads to see how good each one pulled in
potential customers, without spending a fortune.

- Promoting using solo advertisements

This, by far, has to be the best paid advertising I have ever done. I found that a lot of my targeted
customers were subscribed to ezines that would allow me to run a full-page sponsorship advertisement
introducing my own products. My response was phenomenal. I could get as many as 700 or more unique or
targeted visitors and at least 15-20 orders a visit with some of the bigger lists. If I sold a $40 product
and the ad cost me $100, I made at least $400 each time. What's more, once I used the ad and got such a
tremendous response I knew the ad was a winner and I could use it over and over.

- Ad swaps:

This is a great way to advertise if you are on a tight budget and these days, who isn't. I simply wrote
to several ezine publishers and requested an ad swap, my ad for their ad. My response was tremendous and
it was a great way to get my ads out to a targeted audience! Who wouldn’t want free advertising with
their targeted audience! This way I could reach allot
more potential targeted customers and it is totally FREE advertising.

About the author:

Written by Michele Anderson
CEO of


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